Bobby J. Carmen, DDS Blog

Is a Broken Denture a Dental Emergency?

October 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carmen @ 5:19 pm

Dental lab repairing broken dentureDentures are a trusted solution to treat tooth loss. They are made of durable materials to withstand the pressure of grinding and chewing your food. Although they are strong, they aren’t indestructible. Nothing can ruin your day quicker than a broken denture, but is it a dental emergency? Yes! You rely on your pearly whites for eating and speaking. Don’t worry, here’s how to get the repair or replacement you need quickly.


Will Dental Implants Set Off Metal Detectors? 

August 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carmen @ 1:32 pm
metal detector station

Do you have dental implants? This tooth replacement option is a favorite of many since it’s the only procedure available to replace both the caps and the roots of missing teeth. If you’re preparing to go on a trip or to visit somewhere that uses metal detectors, you may be wondering if your dental implants will set off the machine. Read on to learn the answer!


How Long Does It Take to Make a CEREC Crown?

July 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carmen @ 2:29 pm
CEREC milling machine at dentist's office

Do you have a damaged tooth that needs protection? A traditional crown can likely reinforce your tooth, but it will take time to design, craft, and place in your mouth. In fact, the entire process can sometimes take up to three weeks! Fortunately, advanced technology has opened up a faster way to restore smiles. Keep reading to learn about the advantages of CEREC crowns in Norman and discover if you are a good candidate.  


What is It About Dentures That Affects Taste?

June 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carmen @ 4:32 pm
Letters emphasizing dentures and taste

It’s a fact of life that your sense of taste gets weaker with age. As you grow older, your mouth produces less saliva, leading to dry mouth and thus diminished flavor in foods and drinks. However, did you know that dentures and taste can have a negative relationship too? Among other things, the former can sometimes interfere with the latter. To learn more, here’s a summary of three things about dentures that can harm your sense of taste.


3 Summer Activities That Could Harm Your Smile

May 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carmen @ 6:30 am
People who know it’s important to protect your smile

Now that summer has started, you probably want to ditch work or school and enjoy yourself. After all, this season has so many fun things to do. You can travel for vacation, attend concerts, play outside, and more! However, you should keep in mind that some summer activities can damage your teeth. If you’re not careful, your fun in the sun could get ruined by cavities or gum infection. That said, work hard to protect your smile from these three seasonal offerings.


What to Do If Your Adult Tooth Comes Loose

March 29, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carmen @ 8:23 pm
Man looking at teeth in mirror.

It’s normal, and often a little exciting, to lose your teeth when you’re young—a visit from the tooth fairy almost always warrants a grin. But as we grow older, the permanent teeth that replace the ones we lose as children can sometimes become loose themselves, and in some cases, even fall out. This can be an alarming experience, and though it is a serious dental problem, a loose tooth is common and also easily fixable! Here’s what you should do if your permanent tooth is loose or falls out.


4 New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthier Smile

January 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carmen @ 10:19 pm
Woman throwing confetti to celebrate her healthier smile

Making New Year’s resolutions for improving yourself in the year to come is a popular thing to do in January. Unfortunately, studies suggest that 60-75% of these healthy goals don’t make it past February. Why is that? Many people set resolutions with good intentions, but the end goal is too lofty or the path to achieve it is too vague. If you’re looking for a practical way to make a difference in your life this year, try starting with your oral health! Read on as we cover four easy and important resolutions you can make to achieve a healthier, more beautiful smile in 2022!


Don’t Let These Holiday Foods Hurt Your Smile

November 19, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carmen @ 9:25 pm
Candy canes

The holidays are almost here, and that means that you have tons planned! Whether you are looking forward to twinkling lights around your home, listening to festive music, or do some holiday baking, you have lots to look forward to. However, you don’t want your teeth to get the brunt of the season. Here are some of the holiday treats that you should be especially wary of this year for the sake of your oral health.


Do Denture Wearers Need Dental Checkups?

September 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carmen @ 9:13 pm

Older man at dental checkup with denturesIf you’ve lost all your natural teeth, you likely chose a full denture to rebuild a functional, beautiful smile. Although they are like your real teeth, they aren’t vulnerable to tooth decay. That doesn’t mean you can skip dental checkups with dentures. Instead, your home oral hygiene routine and regular care from a dentist are crucial to keep your mouth healthy and prolong the lifespan of your new smile. Here’s why you should think twice about delaying your upcoming appointment.


5 Risks of Cheap Dental Implants

July 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carmen @ 1:29 am

Dangers of getting dental implants for cheapIt isn’t any secret dental implants cost more than traditional treatments. It’s normal to want the cheapest price; however, you might face costly dental problems down the road. Although everyone likes to save money, you shouldn’t focus on the price tag when choosing dental implants. While you’ll find discounted materials, you may pay more in the long run because there are dangers of getting dental implants for cheap. Here are 5 reasons you shouldn’t pinchpennies when investing in dental implants.


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