Restorative Dentistry from Norman Dentist Dr. Bobby Carmen

December 15, 2014

134124545The first job of a dentist is to preserve oral health and prevent problems. But when problems do arise—and most people don’t go through life without at least a few dental problems—it’s important to restore your oral health and your smile. When those dental problems happen, there are a number of procedures that fall into the category of restorative dentistry. Dr. Bobby Carmen in Norman, OK, is your Norman dentist who practices a variety of restorative dentistry procedures to give you back your happy smile.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

One of the most common dental problems is tooth decay. Fortunately, repair has come a long way since the days of dark, metal fillings. Today, your Norman dentist, Dr. Bobby Carmen, can use composite resins to restore teeth to an attractive and healthy state. This tooth-colored plastic mixture can be blended to find the perfect match to your teeth’s natural color.

CEREC One-Visit Crowns

For a tooth that is severely cracked, or to protect a tooth that has recently undergone root canal therapy, you’ll need a crown. Dr. Carmen offers CEREC One-Visit Crowns, which are convenient, strong and completely natural looking. After taking a 3D image of your tooth, our CEREC machine mills a strong, beautiful restoration in about an hour. We’ll permanently place the crown during your single visit, and you’ll leave our office with a full, healthy smile.

Dental Implants

If you’re missing one or more teeth, dental implants offer the most lifelike replacement. The advantage of a dental implants is that both the tooth root and crown are restored. First, Dr. Carmen implants a biocompatible titanium post in your jawbone beneath the open tooth socket. Then once the bone and implant have fused, a custom-designed crown or implant retained denture is affixed to the new tooth “root.”

Call Our Office Today

These are just some of the restorative dentistry procedures offered by your Norman dentist, Dr. Bobby Carmen. Others available include dentures and fixed bridges, inlays and onlays, root canals and full-mouth reconstructions. We serve patients in Norman, OK, as well as Moore, the University of Oklahoma, central Oklahoma, and beyond.

Restorations in a Single Visit with CEREC Crowns from Dr. Bobby J. Carmen

April 7, 2014

Shutterstock Explaining ImplantsCEREC technology (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) offers an entirely new – and considerably more convenient – way of meeting our patients’ needs, producing flawless dental crowns in less time than ever before. Dr. Bobby J. Carmen and his team in Norman, OK deliver only the latest in dental technology to our patients, ensuring continued oral health and wellness for the future with CEREC one-day crowns.

CEREC One-Day Crowns in Norman, OK

Typically, receiving an essential restoration like a dental crown requires multiple visits to your dentist, putting a strain on your already busy schedule. First, you have to have an impression of your tooth or teeth made, a process that may involve the use of messy, uncomfortable impression materials. Then your measurements are sent off to a separate lab facility where a crown will be made over the course of a few weeks or more. The crown is sent back to your dentist, where you’ll attend another appointment to have the restoration placed. In the meantime, you may wear a temporary crown that requires you to alter your diet to avoid losing or damaging it.

At the office of Dr. Carmen in Norman, OK, we believe that this process is antiquated and inconvenient at best, as well as uncomfortable and often more expensive for the patient. Our practice has opted for a more modern approach to restorative dentistry, choosing instead to utilize the revolutionary technology of CEREC one-day crowns. In the span of about one hour, our CEREC machine produces beautifully customized, lifelike, and durable crowns that can be fabricated and permanently placed in just one visit. Though you may enter our office with a considerable dental problem, we’ll make sure you leave with a complete smile that’s as healthy as it is radiant.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

In addition to fabricating custom crowns in just about an hour, Dr. Carmen’s CEREC machine can quickly and efficiently mill porcelain veneers, inlays, and onlays as well. Contact our office in Norman, OK today to learn more about how CEREC one-day crowns can help you rebuild a beautiful, healthy smile. We happily serve patients from communities in Norman, Central Oklahoma, the University of Oklahoma, Moore, and beyond. We look forward to showing you what a difference our practice’s cutting-edge technology can make in your next dental experience.

The Cosmetic Benefits of Porcelain Crowns

August 16, 2011

Back in May, we published a post on single visit crowns. In it, we talked about how porcelain crowns can restore structure, strength, and function to a decayed or damaged tooth.

But porcelain crowns don’t just have a practical benefit—they have a cosmetic benefit as well. Because porcelain mimics the look and feel of a natural tooth better than almost any alternative, patients with porcelain crowns can look forward to enjoying a restoration that blends in seamlessly with the rest of their smile.

This is due partly to their design. The crown produced by Dr. Carmen’s CEREC machine uses a 3D image of your tooth as a guide. Moreover, your crown will be shaded to exactly match the color of your surrounding teeth, ensuring, in the process, that your restoration looks at natural as possible.

A Natural-Looking Restoration in One Visit

If you’d like to know more about the cosmetic benefits of porcelain crowns and how they can help you strengthen a weakened tooth, give us a call today to schedule a consultation visit with Dr. Carmen. We can help you understand all your options and make a decision that will help your smile stay strong and confident.

Dr. Carmen’s Norman office serves patients from The University of Oklahoma, Moore, Central Oklahoma, and surrounding areas.

Call us today!

Dr. Carmen Places Crowns in One Visit with CEREC

May 25, 2011

Crowns protect vulnerable teeth from further damage. That means the sooner you can have a one placed, the better. But traditionally, crown placement has taken at least two visits, sometimes more if your temporary crown becomes cracked or broken.

That’s why our Norman office is proud to offer CEREC all-porcelain crowns. Made from durable materials, CEREC crowns can be milled in about an hour and placed in the same visit, meaning you don’t have to worry about a temporary crown—you can leave our office with your new smile that same day.
