Restorative Dentistry from Norman Dentist Dr. Bobby Carmen

December 15, 2014

134124545The first job of a dentist is to preserve oral health and prevent problems. But when problems do arise—and most people don’t go through life without at least a few dental problems—it’s important to restore your oral health and your smile. When those dental problems happen, there are a number of procedures that fall into the category of restorative dentistry. Dr. Bobby Carmen in Norman, OK, is your Norman dentist who practices a variety of restorative dentistry procedures to give you back your happy smile.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

One of the most common dental problems is tooth decay. Fortunately, repair has come a long way since the days of dark, metal fillings. Today, your Norman dentist, Dr. Bobby Carmen, can use composite resins to restore teeth to an attractive and healthy state. This tooth-colored plastic mixture can be blended to find the perfect match to your teeth’s natural color.

CEREC One-Visit Crowns

For a tooth that is severely cracked, or to protect a tooth that has recently undergone root canal therapy, you’ll need a crown. Dr. Carmen offers CEREC One-Visit Crowns, which are convenient, strong and completely natural looking. After taking a 3D image of your tooth, our CEREC machine mills a strong, beautiful restoration in about an hour. We’ll permanently place the crown during your single visit, and you’ll leave our office with a full, healthy smile.

Dental Implants

If you’re missing one or more teeth, dental implants offer the most lifelike replacement. The advantage of a dental implants is that both the tooth root and crown are restored. First, Dr. Carmen implants a biocompatible titanium post in your jawbone beneath the open tooth socket. Then once the bone and implant have fused, a custom-designed crown or implant retained denture is affixed to the new tooth “root.”

Call Our Office Today

These are just some of the restorative dentistry procedures offered by your Norman dentist, Dr. Bobby Carmen. Others available include dentures and fixed bridges, inlays and onlays, root canals and full-mouth reconstructions. We serve patients in Norman, OK, as well as Moore, the University of Oklahoma, central Oklahoma, and beyond.

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