You Can Make Your Child’s Halloween Cavity-Free with Xylitol Candy

October 21, 2011

Halloween’s just a little over a week away now, and if you have little ones, you know how much they’re looking forward to the big day. You, on the other hand, just wish there was a way you could get them through the night without ruining their teeth.

Well, there is.

With xylitol candy, you can help your child stay cavity-free without dampening their trick-or-treat spirit.

The Benefits of Xylitol

Xylitol comes from the fibers of fruits and vegetables. It’s low in calories, low in carbohydrates, and has been used as for years as a sweetener, especially in sweets for diabetics. But its biggest benefit is in the way it interacts with teeth.

Unlike traditional sugar, which gives bacteria energy to feed on by breaking down, xylitol doesn’t break down. It also promotes a healthy pH level in the mouth and makes it more difficult for bacteria to stick to teeth, meaning that it actually protects smiles from cavities.

But where can you find xylitol candy?

Some online options include,, and Amazon, but with a little research you may be able to find just what you’re looking for at your nearest health foods store.

Want to know more about xylitol candy, or how you can help your child have a cavity-free Halloween? Visit or give Dr. Carmen’s Norman office a call today. We serve patients from the University of Oklahoma, Moore, Central Oklahoma, and beyond.