There’s Still Time for a Dental Checkup Before the Holidays!

November 7, 2012

The holidays are coming up, but don’t let oral health take a backseat. Of course you’re busy with making travel plans, thinking about cooking plans, and hosting friends and family. Your teeth might look great in the mirror, but it never hurts to have a licensed dentist check you out. So why not consider a fellow OU alum, Dr. Bobby J. Carmen? Call our Norman office today for a checkup before the holiday rush comes in.

Whether you’re an OU student or a longtime resident in the area, everybody must think about their oral health. Sure, you’ve been brushing and flossing twice a day, rinsing out with mouthwash, and keeping all your teeth intact. But can you remember the last time you paid your dentist a visit?

  • Has it been six months?
  • Has it been a year?
  • Has it been . . . oh, you can’t remember?

Well, Dr. Carmen and his team are here to help. As simple as a regular checkup and oral exam may sound, it’s extremely important to have this on a regular basis. Especially keep this in mind before you consume belt-busting amounts of turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. You want your teeth to handle all of that with ease, and Dr. Carmen can help make sure you’re on track.

It might seem like a no-brainer, but a regular checkup can help with fighting the early signs of gum disease. Gum disease can lead to far more threatening matters like heart disease, so understand this is no small matter.

Smile with ease and confidence this holiday season. Yes, you can!

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Carmen, call our Norman office today. We serve patients from The University of Oklahoma, Norman, Moore, Central Oklahoma, and surrounding areas.