When to Ditch an Over-the-counter Mouthguard (and Why)

September 24, 2015

Woman gets ready for bed by placing her mouthguardAre you a nighttime tooth grinder? If so, it’s a condition we also call bruxism, and its side effects are serious. Many times, adults try to self-treat nighttime conditions like bruxism — and sleep apnea, which occurs when the soft tissues of the mouth block the airway — with over-the-counter solutions, like one-size-fits-all mouth trays, snoring prevention or boil and bite mouthguards. These can provide an acceptable solution for a short period of time, but if you’ve got a real problem, you need a real, professional solution. Read more to learn about professional mouthguards from your dentist in Norman.

Problems That Require Nightguards

Both bruxism and sleep apnea sufferers can benefit from wearing nighttime mouthguards. The symptoms of each are as follows:

Bruxism Symptoms

It’s estimated that about 10 percent of adults grind their teeth at night. Are you one of them? Symptoms include:

  • Loud teeth grinding or clenching at night
  • Flattened, fractured or chipped teeth
  • A sore face or jaw in the morning
  • Increased tooth sensitivity
  • Worn tooth enamel

Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Sleep apnea is a condition that’s incredibly common in adults — in fact, 22 million Americans suffer from the condition. Symptoms include:

  • Loud snoring
  • Jerking awake with a gasp or choking sensation
  • Daytime fatigue
  • Dry mouth or sore throat upon waking
  • Difficulty concentrating, or other problems related to insufficient sleep

When to Choose a Professional Nightguard

If you’re suffering from interrupted sleep due to bruxism or sleep apnea, we know it’s tempting to go to the nearest drugstore and pick up whichever nightguard is the cheapest. It may seem like a good idea under the haze of a sleepless night, but the truth is it’s just not a good, lasting solution to your problem. One-size-fits all mouthguards simply don’t provide a good fit for your unique teeth — and ill-fitting devices can result in sores in the mouth and other oral problems. Boil and bite solutions, though they do provide a better fit, can still be too bulky and cause major problems.

Call Your Trusted Doctor Today

The truth is simple: if you have a problem that requires a nighttime mouthguard, like bruxism or sleep apnea, it won’t be fixed by an over-the-counter mouthguard. Schedule your appointment for a professional nightguard that’s created especially for your unique teeth — you’ll be so much happier that you did.

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