Dealing With A Bit of a Bad Breath Problem? Clean It Up!

June 20, 2015


Bad breath is just plain…bad. When it hits your nostrils, it may bring out the worst expression. It’s always advisable not to hurt anyone’s feelings if they’re rocking terrible breath. If you wish your breath could smell much better, we have the tools and team to make it good-smelling again. Some people’s breath can be detected from a good ways away. Halitosis, as it’s commonly known, can have negative effects on relationships, both personal and at the office. It can keep people from talking at normal distances and can even keep conversations minimal. Think about when you’re on a date – there’s a reason everyone reaches for a stick of gum or mints. Bad breath shouldn’t be something they or you should have to deal with forever. There are ways you can freshen your breath without ever having to step into our Norman, OK office! Dr. Carmen is ready to freshen up your breath with these friendly tips.

Watch What You’re Eating

The kind of food you’re consuming has quite a bit to do with why your breath is stinky. As soon as you’re done eating, those leftover food particles in your mouth begin to break down. From there, it’s into your bloodstream they go where they eventually end up in your lungs. If you know anything about the human body, oxygen is kept in your lungs. You need your lungs to breathe. So on and so forth. The unappreciated odor won’t leave your system until the food does.

Going on a date? If you’re going to dinner, we highly advise you to steer clear of foods that have strong odors. If you’re a fan of these foods and can’t bear the thought leaving them out of your meal, then try chewing on a piece of sugarless gum to temporarily mask the stench.

Poor Dental Hygiene Can Cause Bad Breath, Too

You’ve heard since you were a kid just how important brushing and flossing twice a day is for your oral health. If you haven’t, well, you do now. Choosing not to brush or floss is like playing with fire. Bacteria can swarm into your mouth if you don’t take the time to properly care for your teeth. You know what happens when bacteria sets up shop in your mouth, right? Tooth decay, gum disease and more can leave your oral health in serious limbo. Food particles can rot in your teeth if they aren’t removed with floss. Brushing your tongue can help with bad breath, too.

Schedule An Appointment

With our help, you can keep bad breath out of your mouth. We recommend regular checkups and cleanings so we can keep a close eye on what’s going on in your mouth. Otherwise, practicing good dental hygiene can keep your breath smelling great. If you don’t live near our Norman, OK office, don’t worry! We also serve the surrounding communities of Goldsby, Slaughtervile, Etowah, Newcastle, Noble and beyond.





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