No Worries! Dr. Bobby Carmen Offers Sedation Dentistry in Norman, OK

March 15, 2015

96397555If you haven’t been to the dentist in months—okay, maybe years—because everything in a dental office frightens you, then you are in good company. Millions of Americans are afraid to go to the dentist and are letting their oral and maybe even their general health suffer as a consequence. But you don’t have to be one of the millions. With sedation dentistry from Dr. Bobby Carmen in Norman, OK, you can calmly and comfortably reclaim your healthy smile.

Research shows that there is a direct correlation between your oral health and your general health. No surprise, considering your mouth is the main entryway into your body. For example, the bacteria associated with gum disease has been found to be connected to other ailments including high blood pressure, stroke, cardiovascular disease, obesity, osteoporosis and low birth weight in newborns. So, seeing the dentist regularly is more than just a way to have a pretty smile—it’s an important way you take care of yourself.

Three Types of Sedation Dentistry

Regardless of your level of anxiety, Dr. Carmen offers the type of sedation dentistry you need. For mild sedation, there is nitrous oxide, or laughing gas. With this, you will simply inhale a measured combination of nitrous oxide and oxygen through a nose mask during your procedure. You’ll feel relaxed, and when the mask is removed the effects of the gas will wear off almost immediately, so you can go about your day.

If your level of anxiety necessitates moderate sedation, then Dr. Carmen will recommend oral conscious sedation. With this method, you’ll take an anti-anxiety medication before your appointment. Because you’ve taken an oral sedative, you’ll need a friend or family member to drive you to and from your appointment. Our sedation dentistry team will monitor your vital signs during your procedure. The effects of the medication should wear by the following day.

Finally, IV sedation can alleviate severe anxiety. We work with an anesthesiologist who administers the sedative and monitors your vital signs. You may be able to communicate during this sedation, but many patients do fall asleep. In either case, you’ll wake up without remembering the procedure.

Call Our Office Today

If you would like to learn more about sedation dentistry, then call the office of Dr. Bobby Carmen in Norman, OK. We also serve patients from Moore, the University of Oklahoma, and central Oklahoma and beyond.

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