Get the New Year Started with a Visit to Dr. Carmen’s Norman Office

January 6, 2012

We’re about a full week into 2012, but many people are still thinking about New Year’s resolutions. If you’re one of them, consider making a New Year’s smile resolution.

What might a New Year’s smile resolution involve?

First, take a close look at your daily brushing and flossing regimen. Keeping your smile healthy means brushing twice a day, flossing at least once, and gargling with an anti-bacterial mouthwash at least once.

But beyond regular brushing and flossing, an important part of New Year’s smile resolution involves coming into Dr. Carmen’s Norman dental office for regular visits. When you come in for your January visit (or any other visit), Dr. Carmen will inspect your smile for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, TMJ dysfunction, bruxism, and oral cancer.

This kind of comprehensive approach to dentistry lets Dr. Carmen provide preventive care that is more comfortable and conservative, benefiting the patient in every way.

As more and more studies are showing, a direct link exists between a patient’s overall health and the health of his or her smile. In particular, poor gum health has been shown to share a connection with diabetic complications, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, premature birth, and heart disease.

To schedule your first visit of the year with Dr. Carmen, call our Norman office today. We serve patients from The University of Oklahoma, Norman, Moore, Central Oklahoma, and surrounding areas.

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